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SAFeR (Strategic and Process Supporting Mission Information for Fire Brigades and Rescue Services) was a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research , in which a system of the same name was developed for making strategically important information available directly to the fire brigade and rescue service using modern communication infrastructure can be asked.

The system enables the emergency services to be able to access all types of mission information from an internet server using a laptop , tablet PC or smartphone . This retrievable information includes, for example, information on hazardous substances, technical guides for cars, information on exotic animals, property information or recommendations for use. The transmission can take place via WLAN , GPRS and UMTS .

The advantages of the system lie in the rapid availability of information and, consequently, in the increase in efficiency in emergencies. Saving on digital media reduces the number of paper-based operational plans that need to be carried and facilitates the operations manager 's work through greater clarity.

The project was carried out by the University of Paderborn in partnership with the Dortmund Fire Brigade and the NRW Fire Brigade Institute and supported by the German Aerospace Center. The incompletely completed system is made available to interested fire brigades free of charge.

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