SAMPLE scheme

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SAMPLE is an acronym scheme in emergency medical history . With this scheme, the clinical picture can be specified and a (suspected) diagnosis can be made. The scheme is to be used in addition to the ABCDE scheme .


acronym Full acronym Sample questions specification
S. Symptoms Where are you in pain?

What kind of pain (knocking / throbbing / pulling / pressing / stabbing / burning) do you feel?

How bad is the pain?

OPQRST scheme
A. Allergies Do you have allergies?

Do you have an allergy pass ?

M. Medical history Do you take medicine? (Short-term medication [e.g. painkillers], but also long-term medication [e.g. blood clots])

Do you use drugs? (also alcohol)

P Patient history Have you ever been to the hospital?

Have you ever had an operation?

Do you have previous illnesses?

Do you have a patient ID ?

L. Last food intake, last bowel movement When was the last time you had a meal?

When was the last time you went to the toilet?

What? How much?


Any special features?

E. Events Did something happen that caused the accident / illness?

Can you remember everything completely?

Other versions of the scheme are:

  • TRAFFIC LIGHT (allergies, medication, patient history, event, last meal)
  • SAMPLER (symptoms, allergies, medication, patient history, last meal, event, risk factors)
  • COLLECT (Symptoms, Allergies, Medication, Medical History, Event, Last Food Ingestion, Novel Ailments)
  • SAMPLER + S (symptoms, allergies, medication, patient history, last meal, event, risk factors, pregnancy)

Significance for emergency anesthesia

The scheme receives special attention in emergency anesthesia. The questions are particularly relevant to the selection of the anesthetic induction procedure. For example, the anesthetist can use the medication to find out whether there are any interactions with the narcotic being administered, but also whether the patient has previously had a meal and is therefore at risk of aspiration .

Individual evidence

  1. SAMPLER history: Getting to the bottom of an emergency | Retrieved March 7, 2018 .
  2. ^ DocCheck Medical Services GmbH: SAMPLE scheme - DocCheck Flexikon. Retrieved March 7, 2018 .