SIARD (database archive format)

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File extension : .siard
MIME type : application / xml
Developed by: Swiss Federal Archives
Current version: 2.1.1 (as of February 17, 2020)
Type: Markup Language
Container for: relational databases
Extended by: XML
Website :

Software Independent Archival of Relational Databases ( Engl. For "software-independent archiving of relational databases"), abbreviated SIARD is an open markup language for long-term archiving of relational databases in the form of text data based on XML .


The SIARD format was developed by the Swiss Federal Archives and the first version was published in 2008. A SIARD file is a container file that maps the structure and content of the database in XML files and supplements them with metadata. SIARD is based on the open standards


The SIARD format was published on March 21, 2013 by eCH, the Swiss association for e-government standards, as a standard with the designation eCH-0165. The current version is 1.0.


In November 2009, the Swiss Federal Archives, in cooperation with the Zurich company Enter AG, published an implementation in the form of the SIARD suite as freeware. The SIARD-Suite is currently (since April 2014) in version 1.70; and supports Oracle (database system), Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, DB / 2 and Microsoft Access databases.

A validator for SIARD files against the format specification is part of the KOST-Val validation tool of the coordination office for the permanent archiving of electronic documents KOST . KOST also provides a tool for converting CSV files to SIARD, csv2siard.


The SIARD format is used by archives in Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Portugal and others as the standard archive format. It was accepted as the official archive format by the European projects PLANETS (2008) and E-Ark (2015). According to its own information, the Swiss Federal Archives have already issued licenses for SIARD-Suite in several countries.

Individual evidence

  1. eCH-0165: SIARD format specification. Website of the eCH association. Retrieved August 27, 2015.
  2. Database archiving: SIARD-Suite. Website of the Swiss Federal Archives. Retrieved August 27, 2015.
  3. KOST-Val. GitHub. Retrieved August 27, 2015.
  4. csv2siard_toolset. GitHub. Retrieved August 27, 2015.
  5. Planetarium , March 9, 2010, p. 9. Accessed on August 27, 2015.
  6. E-ARK Project and Partners Seek Feedback on Version 2.0 of SIARD Format. E-Ark website. Retrieved August 27, 2015.

Web links