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SM4 , formerly SMS4, is a block encryption used in the Chinese WLAN security standard WAPI with a key length and block size of 128 bits. After initially classified as secret, the algorithm was released in 2006.


The 128-bit key is expanded to 32 round keys with 32 bits each. The 128-bit input is divided into 4 32-bit words . The encryption takes place in 32 rounds, whereby the round function operates on only one 32-bit word in each round. In terms of structure, SMS4 is an unbalanced Feistel cipher with 32 rounds. The round function consists of a non-linear substitution based on an 8-bit S-box and a linear substitution.


During the cryptanalysis of SMS4, researchers found security problems in the round function.

Individual evidence

  1. SMS4 Encryption Algorithm for Wireless Networks . 2010 ( ).
  2. Muhammad Reza Z'aba, Leonie Simpson, Ed Dawson and Kenneth Wong: Linearity within the SMS4 block cipher . In: Information Security and Cryptology . 2011, p. 248-265 . : "These findings raise serious questions on the security provided by SMS4."