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SOSEMANUK is power encryption developed in 2008 by Côme Berbain, Olivier Billet, Anne Canteaut, Nicolas Courtois, Henri Gilbert, Louis Goubin, Aline Gouget, Louis Granboulan, Cédric Lauradoux, Marine Minier, Thomas Pornin and Hervé Sibert. SOSEMANUK is one of the finalists in the European project eSTREAM (Profile 1 - software applications). The algorithm is free from patents. The name means snow snake in the language of the Cree Indians.


SOSEMANUK is a further development of the stream cipher SNOW 2.0, the key expansion is also based on the block cipher Serpent . The key length is variable between 128 bits and 256 bits, whereby only 128 bits of security are claimed for all keys.

The choice of SOSEMANUK in the eSTREAM process was justified primarily with the high safety margin.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b The eSTREAM Portfolio (PDF, 118 kB).