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STONITH stands for "Shoot The Other Node In The Head" (English for "Shoot the other node in the head") or "Shoot The Offending Node In The Head" (English for "Shoot the faulty node in the head"), sometimes also STOMITH "Shoot The Other Member / Machine In The Head" (English for "Shoot the other member / machine in the head") and is a technique for delimiting a node (English nodes) within a computer cluster (server farm).

If the work of a node (individual computer) in a computer cluster is taken over by another node due to an error, the faulty node must be prevented from continuing to work. The simple idea behind STONITH is to prevent the faulty node from continuing to work by automatically interrupting the power supply or by deliberately triggering a kernel panic .

Two nodes performing the exact same operation in the same computer cluster can lead to disastrous results - e. B. the simultaneous storage of data on a common data storage (shared storage). STONITH enables an effective, albeit drastic, protection against this problem.

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