SWM (motorcycle)

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SWM ( s peedy w orking m otors) is an Italian motorcycle manufacturer.


It was originally founded by Piero Sironi and Fausto Vergani and existed from 1971 to 1984. The company was able to achieve sporting successes mainly in motocross and enduro . SWM initially installed 6-speed engines from Sachs, and later switched to Rotax as the engine supplier. The air-cooled two-stroke engines had a valve inlet control. In the 1970s, SWM won six titles in the European Enduro Championship . A team equipped with SWM motorcycles won the silver vase at the International Six Day Ride in 1975.

In 2014 the company was re-established by the managers Ampelio Machi and Daxing Gong (managing directors of the Chinese Shineray Group). The vehicles manufactured by Husqvarna Motorcycles until 2013 were the basis for the off-road motorcycles presented .

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