Payment in kind ordinance

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Basic data
Title: Ordinance on the value of benefits in kind in social insurance
Short title: Payment in kind ordinance
Previous title: Ordinance on the value of benefits in kind in social insurance for the 1995 calendar year
Abbreviation: SachBezV
Type: Federal Ordinance
Scope: Federal Republic of Germany
Legal matter: Social law
References : 860-4-1-3-2 aF
Issued on: December 19, 1994
( BGBl. I p. 3849 )
Entry into force on: January 1, 1995
Last change by: Art. 1 Regulation of 16 December 2005
( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 3493 )
Effective date of the
last change:
January 1, 2006
(Art. 3 of December 16, 2005)
Expiry: January 1, 2007
(Art. 4 Paragraph 1 Regulation of
December 21, 2006,
Federal Law Gazette I p. 3385, 3388 )
Please note the note on the applicable legal version.

The payment in kind regulation was a regulation of the German federal government. It regulated the valuation of remuneration in kind for employees , which were included in income in social law and wage tax law. Authorization to issue ordinances was, among other things, Section 17 (1) sentence 1 no. 4 SGB ​​IV .

The ordinance was repealed on January 1, 2007 by Article 4 of the ordinance on the reorganization of the regulations on the social security assessment of benefits from the employer as remuneration . The new regulations have since been included in the Social Insurance Remuneration Ordinance .

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