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Classification according to ICD-10
M46.1 Sacroiliitis, not elsewhere classified
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

Under sacroiliitis is meant an inflammatory, destructive changes of the lower spine (joints between the sacrum and ilium , sacroiliac joints ). This chronic, progressive inflammation of the sacroiliac joint (sacroiliac joint, sacrum-iliac joint) is extremely painful, degenerative and can lead to permanent postural damage (bent walking / bent posture). It belongs to the group of rheumatic diseases and thus also autoimmune diseases . It is not to be confused with sacroiliac joint arthrosis .

Graduation of sacroiliitis

The grading of sacroiliitis observed in the X-ray, which was established in 1966 by an international committee of experts. It found its way into the modified New York criteria : from 1984.

Classification Change in the sacroiliac joint
Grade 0 Normal sacroiliac joint
Grade 1 Suspicious changes
Grade 2 Minimal definitive changes (circumscribed areas with erosions or sclerosings without changing the joint space)
Grade 3 Pronounced erosions, sclerosis, joint gap enlargement / narrowing, partial ankylosing
Grade 4 Complete ankylosis

Sacroiliitis is one of the criteria for diagnosing ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease). Other inflammatory rheumatic diseases in which sacroiliitis can occur are psoriatic arthritis , reactive arthritis (including Reiter's disease), undifferentiated spondarthritis and Behçet's disease . Sacroiliitis can also occur in chronic inflammatory bowel disease .

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Miehle: Ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease). 2006, ISBN 3-9810960-5-3 , p. 68.
  2. - Diagnosis and early diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis (PDF)
  3. ^ Wolfgang Miehle: Rheumatology in practice and clinic. Georg Thieme Verlag , 2000, ISBN 3-13-701102-7 , p. 657.