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Samyaza , also known by the names Shemyazaz , Semjaza , Shemyaza , Samjaza , Shemhazai or Amez [ y ] arak , is a fallen angel mentioned in the apocryphal Book of Enoch , where he is the leader of a group of angels who are themselves connect with the daughters of men and impregnate them, whereupon the Nephilim arise.

This story is also hinted at in the first book of Genesis, chapter 6, but extremely briefly and no names are given of the angels involved:

When human beings began to multiply across the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw how beautiful the human daughters were, and they took wives from them as they pleased. (...) In those days there were giants on earth, and also later, after the sons of God got involved with the human daughters and these gave birth to children. These are the heroes of the past, the famous men.

Similar to the case of Lucifer , Samyaza and his apostate angels are banned by the Archangel Michael , who was given this task by God. The Nephilim on earth, however, will be destroyed by the Flood .

In some religious views, however, Samyaza is interpreted as Lucifer or Satan - similar to the name Belial .

Whether the angel Amazarak or Amez [ y ] arak is also Samyaza is disputed. The only reference is a short passage in the 1st book of Enoch where it says that Amazarek taught people magic - which is also reported by Samyaza. It is also believed that Amazarek or Amez [y] arak is an Ethiopian corruption of the name Samyaza .