Denjoy's theorem

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In mathematics , Denjoy's theorem is a fundamental result from the theory of dynamic systems . It says that twice continuously differentiable self-mappings of the circle cannot leave a Cantor set invariant, and further that twice continuously differentiable self-mappings of the circle with an irrational rotation number are always topologically conjugated to a rotation. Both results are wrong for self-maps that are only continuously differentiable once.

Invariant sets

For an orientation-preserving diffeomorphism , every minimal non-empty closed invariant subset of either

  • a finite set, or
  • whole , or
  • a Cantor crowd.

The following example shows that the third case for -diffeomorphisms is indeed possible. However, Denjoy's theorem says that the third case cannot occur for -diffeomorphisms. In particular, in the case of irrational rotation numbers, all orbites are then dense in .

Denjoy's example

There is an orientation- preserving -diffeomorphism that has no periodic points but leaves a Cantor set invariant.

For every irrational number one can construct such a Denjoy diffeomorphism which is semi-conjugated to the rotation .

The idea is roughly as follows. Take the orbit of an irrational rotation, this is a countable dense set . Cut open at the points of . For each one fill in an interval , the sum of the interval lengths should be finite so that the space constructed in this way is homeomorphic to the circle again. A continuous monotonic mapping is constructed, which is the rotation outside of the inserted intervals and which maps continuously and strictly monotonically to . One obtains a homeomorphism (a space that is too homeomorphic) which has no periodic points, leaves a Cantor set invariant and is conjugated to an irrational rotation. You can modify it to become.

The mapping torus of the restriction of this mapping to the invariant Cantor set is called the Denjoy solenoid .

Denjoy's theorem

If is an orientation- preserving -diffeomorphism, then every minimal non-empty closed invariant subset of is either a finite set, or whole .

As a consequence of Denjoy's theorem, one obtains that every orientation- preserving -diffeomorphism with an irrational rotation number is topologically conjugated to a rotation. (This sentence is also known as Denjoy's sentence . With this sentence Arnaud Denjoy refuted a conjecture by Henri Poincaré .)

In general, the conjugate map is only continuous. Under certain arithmetic requirements for the number of rotations, however, a differentiable conjugation map is obtained.


Suspension of a figure gives a scroll on the 2-dimensional torus . Denjoy's example shows that a -following can have an exceptional minimum set and it follows from Denjoy's theorem that a -following of a surface has no exceptional minimum sets .

On the other hand, there are examples of -following of codimension 1 on higher-dimensional manifolds that have an exceptional minimum amount. The higher-dimensional generalization of Denjoy's theorem is instead the Sacksteder theorem : an exceptional minimal set of foliage of codimension 1 on a compact manifold always contains a leaf with nontrivial linearized holonomy .


  • Arnaud Denjoy: Sur les courbes définies par les equations différentielles à la surface du tore , J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 11: 333-375 (1932). online (pdf)
  • VV Nemyckiĭ, V. V, Stepanov: Kačestvennaya Teoriya Differencialʹnyh Uravneniĭ. (Russian), OGIZ, Moscow-Leningrad (1947).
  • Harold Rosenberg: Un contre-example à la conjecture de Seifert (d'après P. Schweitzer). Séminaire Bourbaki, 25ème année (1972/1973), Exp. 434, pp. 294-306. Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 383, Springer, Berlin, 1974. online (pdf)
  • Gilbert Hector, Ulrich Hirsch: Introduction to the geometry of foliations. Part A. Foliations on compact surfaces, fundamentals for arbitrary codimension, and holonomy. Second edition. Aspects of Mathematics, 1st Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, Braunschweig, 1986. ISBN 3-528-18501-5
  • Alberto Candel, Lawrence Conlon: Foliations. I. Graduate Studies in Mathematics, 23rd American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2000. ISBN 0-8218-0809-5

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hector-Hirsch, Chapter 4
  2. Candel-Conlon, Example 4.1.10
  3. Hector-Hirsch, Chapter 5.2
  4. Rosenberg
  5. Nemyckiĭ-Stepanov
  6. ^ Hector-Hirsch, Corollary 5.3.3.
  7. Candel-Conlon, Exercise 9.2.19
  8. Michel Herman: Sur la conjugaison différentiable des difféomorphismes du cercle à des rotations. Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math. No. 49: 5-233 (1979). online (pdf)
  9. Milnor, §15C
  10. Hector-Hirsch, Chapter VI