Löb's theorem

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The set of Loeb is a result of mathematical logic , that of Martin Loeb was proved 1955th It says that in a theory T , which fulfills certain simple properties and can represent the provability in T , for every formula P the statement “if P is provable, then P ” is only provable if P is provable. Formally:

if then

where means that the formula P can be proven in T. (#P is the term assigned to the Gödel number of P. ) The prerequisites of the theorem are fulfilled in all sufficiently powerful mathematical theories such as Peano arithmetic and Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory . The proposition plays an important role in the logic of provability .



Instead of considering provability in a certain theory, Löb's theorem can be shown starting from a few abstract properties of provability. A predicate B is called a provability predicate for a theory T if it fulfills the following three conditions for all formulas :

  1. If then

It can be shown that a standard representation of provability in a theory like Peano arithmetic or set theory fulfills these three requirements and is therefore a provability predicate.

Now let T be a theory that has the following properties:

  • T has a Beweisbarkeitsprädikat B .
  • Diagonalization: In T, every formula with a free variable has a fixed point in the following sense: If a formula with a free variable x , then there is a formula such that:, that is, has the intuitive meaning "I have the property ."


With the given conditions, Löb's theorem can be proven as follows:

  1. Be a formula with
  2. By diagonalization, the formula is converted into a formula with
  3. Because of axiom 1 is
  4. Because of axiom 2 is
  5. From 3 and 4 it follows:
  6. Because of 2 and axiom 2:
  7. From 5 and 6 it follows:
  8. Because of axiom 3:
  9. From 7 and 8 it follows:
  10. From 1 and 9 it follows:
  11. From 2 and 10 it follows:
  12. Because of axiom 1:
  13. From 10 and 12 it now follows:


  • A Henkinsatz is a sentence that expresses its own provability. Löb's theorem shows that every Henkinsatz (insofar as it can be proven that it is one) is provable. Because if there is a Henkinsatz , then according to Löb's theorem .
  • P is a truth predicate if for all formulas applies: . It can easily be shown that P is also a provability predicate for T. According to Löb's theorem, then applies to all formulas : and T is inconsistent. So no consistent theory has a truth predicate.
  • Gödel's second theorem of incompleteness says that a sufficiently strong and consistent formal system cannot prove its own consistency. This can be deduced from Löb's theorem as follows. Suppose it proves its own consistency, ie . This is equivalent to . According to Löb's theorem, is and is inconsistent.


  • George Boolos , John P. Burgess, and Richard Jeffrey: Computability and Logic . 4th edition. Cambridge University Press, 2002, ISBN 0-521-70146-5 .
  • Martin Hugo Löb: Solution of a Problem of Leon Henkin . In: Journal of Symbolic Logic . tape 20 , 1955, pp. 115-118 .

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Individual evidence

  1. Boolos et al. 2002, pages 236-237
  2. Boolos et al. 2002, page 235
  3. Boolos et al. 2002, page 237