Myers-Steenrod's theorem

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The set of Myers-Steenrod is a theorem from the mathematical field of differential geometry .

It says that the isometric group of every complete Riemannian manifold is a Lie group .

The phrase is from Norman Steenrod and Sumner Byron Myers .


The isometric group of the unit sphere is the orthogonal group .

The isometric group of the hyperbolic plane is the projective linear group . The isometric group of 3-dimensional hyperbolic space is .

Proof idea

In a connected Riemannian manifold choose a point and its exponential map . The images of the 1-dimensional subspaces in under the exponential mapping are exactly the geodesics through . From the completeness of, it follows with the Hopf-Rinow theorem that every point in lies on such a geodesic .

Now choose linearly independent vectors in and designate their image points with . An isometry maps geodesics in geodesics and it follows from the above that an isometry is already clearly defined by the images of .

So we get an embedding of the isometric group in the product of copies of the manifold . One can show that the image of this embedding is a differentiable submanifold and that the group operations in this manifold structure are differentiable. This becomes a Lie group.


More generally, the isometric group of a room is always a Lie group. -Spaces are a class of metric measure spaces that contain all Riemannian manifolds of the dimension with Ricci curvature and are closed under the Gromov-Hausdorff convergence of metric measure spaces.


  • SB Myers, NE Steenrod: The group of isometries of a Riemannian manifold. Ann. of Math. (2) 40 (1939), no. 2, 400-416.

Individual evidence

  1. L. Guijarro, J. Santos-Rodríguez: On the isometry groups of RCD * (K, N) -spaces , manuscripta mathematica 158, 441–461 (2018)
  2. G. Sosa: The isometry group of an RCD * -space is Lie , Potential Analysis 49, 267-286 (2018)