Treasure trove from El Carambolo

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“Treasure of Carambolo” in its entirety

The treasure trove of El Carambolo (Spanish: Tesoro del Carambolo ) is one of the largest depot finds of gold objects from the late European Bronze Age in Spain . The entire deposit is in the Archaeological Museum of Seville .

Discovery and classification

The treasure, consisting of 21 gold objects, including pectorals , bracelets, etc., was discovered on September 30, 1958 on a 60 m high hill near the village of El Carambolo, about 3 km west of Seville . The total weight of approximately 3 kg and in a uniform style, i. H. Treasure made in a single workshop increased the scientific interest in the Tartessos culture. Some researchers, however, assign the treasure to the culture of the Phoenicians or the Carthaginians (approx. 800 to 250 BC).


The decor of all jewelry is abstract; animal or anthropomorphic details are missing.

See also


  • J. de M. Carriazo: El Tesoro y las Primeras Excavaciones en el Carambolo (Camas, Seville) . Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia, Madrid 1970.

Web links

Commons : Treasure of El Carambolo  - collection of images, videos and audio files