Battle of Saint-Quentin

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The Battle of Saint-Quentin is a series of battles in the area around the French city of Saint-Quentin on the Aisne:

  • Battle of Saint-Quentin (859) : Victory of Humfried von Gothien against the army of Louis the German on January 15, 859
  • Battle of Saint-Quentin (1557) : Victory of the Spanish troops over the defenders of St. Quentin on August 10, 1557 in the war between Habsburg and France
  • Battle of Saint-Quentin (1871) : Fighting in January 1871 between the German 1st Army and the French Northern Army in the Franco-Prussian War
  • Battle of St. Quentin (1914) : Fighting at the end of August 1914 between German, French and British units during the attack between Guise and St. Quentin in the First World War