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French Schnabel tilting lorry during the First World War (1914-1918)
Schnabel-Rundkipplore from 1940 from a limestone quarry in Haingründau in the Frankfurt Feldbahnmuseum

A beak Rundkipplore (also billed round Tipper ) is a light railway -Kipp lore that can be rotated for discharge in all directions.


Schnabel round tipping lorries were mainly used in mining. On short stretches they were mostly moved by hand from the dismantling site to the reloading point. Occasionally they were also used in underground trains hauled by draft animals or locomotives.

Web links

Commons : Schnabel-Rundkipplore  - Collection of images

Individual evidence

  1. a b data sheet_0501_2010_08_09.DOC of the Frankfurt Feldbahnmuseum . August 9, 2010.
  2. No. 0501, Schnabel-Rundkipplore, approx. 1940. In: Frankfurter Feldbahnmuseum Kurzinfo, as of July 18, 2012 (
  3. No. 5600 Schnabel-Rundkipper. In the catalog of the Leo Ross company, Berlin.