Sloping head

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The sloping head is a simple heraldic image in heraldry and a special form of the shield head .

A section in the coat of arms is shown in which the boundary line of the two resulting fields runs from the center of the side edge to the center of the upper edge of the coat of arms. The Herold's picture can be a right or left sloping head due to the cut. All heraldic shapes and colors are possible on both sides of the cutting line.

At the base of the shield, it can be divided in the same way and the right or left angular base is created .


  • Johann Christian Siebenkees : Explanations of the heraldry as a commentary on Mr. Hofrath Gatterer's outline of this science. Publishing house of Adam Gottlieb Schneiderische Kunst- und Buchhandlung, Nuremberg 1789, p. 70 .
  • Carl von Mayer : Heraldic ABC book. That is: the essence and concept of scientific heraldry, its history, literature, theory and practice. In commission from JA Finsterlin, Munich 1857, p. 249 and p. 597 , panel XXXVII, Figure 24-27 .