Debt call

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With the debt call, a debtor asks his creditors under Swiss law to register their claims (due and not due as well as conditional) with a specific office (i.e. with himself or with a registration office designated by him; in the case of bankruptcy, with the bankruptcy office).

The debt call takes place, depending on the relevant legal norm (which in turn depends on the reason for which the debt call is issued), in the Handelsamtsblatt ("SHAB"), by letter to the creditors (known to the debtor) and / or by publication in a daily newspaper (at least if this is required in the statutes).

The officially published debt call is intended to record what debts are owed to a creditor. The call for debts is made in bankruptcy (Art. 232 SchKG ) or in debt restructuring proceedings (Art. 300 SchKG), but also in the case of an intended reduction in the share capital by a stock corporation. In civil law, the debt call applies in the case of an inheritance that is accepted under "public inventory" (Art. 582 ZGB ).