Swiss Association of Single Mothers and Fathers

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The Swiss Association of Single Mothers and Fathers (SVAMV) as the national umbrella organization of local and regional associations and self-help groups for single parents in Switzerland. It was founded in 1980 to represent the interests of single mothers and fathers and on June 16, 1984 it became SVAMV with its current statutes .

The declared aim of the SVAMV is the integration of single-parent families in society, securing the material existence of single-parent families, the reconciliation of gainful employment and family work as well as the abolition of the existing discrimination in legislation and jurisdiction between single-parent families compared to the traditional family model with father, mother and child (ren) (see nuclear family ).

The SVAMV wants to achieve these goals by representing the concerns of single parents in the Swiss public and in politics, vis-à-vis the authorities, experts and organizations. The association also advises its members (organizations and individuals) on various issues and runs a grant fund for single parents.

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