Sehafe Lam

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Sehafe Lam , also S'ahafalam ( who writes down the cows ) was a tax collector's title in early Imperial Ethiopia . The Sehafe Lam was responsible for collecting the taxes set by the emperor for the individual provinces. During the reign of Emperor Beyde Maryam (1468–1478), the Sehafe Lam were appointed mainly for the largest and richest provinces (e.g. Damot and Shewa ), in which cattle breeding dominated. Accordingly, the Sehafe Lam of these provinces bore the title of Shewa Sehafe Lam or Damot Sehafe Lam . The title had not been used since the 17th century.


  • Andrzej Bartnicki, Joanna Mantel-Niecko: History of Ethiopia. From the beginning to the present . Edited by Renate Richter. 2 parts. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1978.
  • Manfred Kropp: The traditional Ethiopian king lists and their sources . In: Martin Fitzenreiter (Ed.): Genealogy: Reality and fiction of identity (=  contributions to Egyptology and Sudan archeology ). GHP, London 2005, ISBN 0-9547218-8-8 , pp. 21-46 .