Emergency, Intensive Care Medicine and Seriously Injured Care Section

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The Emergency, Intensive Care Medicine and Seriously Injured Care Section (NIS Section) is a working platform of the German Society for Trauma Surgery , which further develops the areas of emergency medicine, intensive care medicine and the care of the seriously injured and related areas of accident medicine and traumatology on a scientific, practical, professional and interdisciplinary level. The NIS section was founded on the decision of the DGU presidium meeting on 15./16. Founded June 2007 from the merger of the Polytrauma Working Group and the Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine Working Group of the DGU.


According to § 2 of the DGU statutes, the task of the section is to further develop the sub-areas of emergency medicine, intensive care medicine and care for the severely injured in the field of trauma medicine / traumatology in science and research, but also in practical, professional and interdisciplinary aspects. The section reports to the Presidium and is obliged to report to it. Subject areas (selection):

  • Emergency room alarm and alarm criteria
  • New quality indicators in the trauma register
  • Measurement of the long-term treatment result after severe accident trauma
  • S3 guideline for multiple trauma / treatment of seriously injured persons (register number 012 - 019)
  • White paper on the care of the seriously injured by the German Society for Trauma Surgery
  • Bundle of measures for the preclinical care of the seriously injured (Trauma Care Bundle)
  • Algorithm to release lap belts (Clear the Pelvis)
  • Resuscitation in the event of traumatic cardiac arrest
  • Effects of therapeutic hypothermia after severe trauma
  • Colloidal volume replacement in the severely injured
  • Randomized controlled study on the osteosynthetic treatment of femoral shaft fractures in multiple trauma (Damage Control Study)
  • Introduction of the Definitive Surgical Trauma Care (DSTC) course format in Germany
  • Scientific director of TraumaRegister DGU
  • Scientific support for the national Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS program)


Sections are working platforms of the DGU that are set up for an unlimited period of time and that are set up by a unanimous decision of the Presidium to deal with special areas of trauma surgery. To work on specific topics, the section forms working groups that are dedicated to defined tasks. The NIS section meets about 2–3 times a year. The venues alternate between the clinics where the members work. A two-day working meeting takes place in spring and a one-day working meeting in autumn. Traditionally, the annual report TraumaRegister DGU is published in autumn. The event has since developed into the joint annual meeting of TraumaRegister DGU, Section NIS and TraumaNetzwerk DGU (TNT Congress for short). The autumn meeting will take place after this scientific congress. An integral part of the work of the section is the also public, scientific meeting within the framework of the DKOU, which deals with current topics from the field of emergency, intensive care and care for the seriously injured and traditionally takes place on the day of the section. The head and his deputy are elected by the presidium on the proposal of the executive board of the DGU. The term of office is 3 years. A one-time re-election is possible. Due to the wide range of topics in the area of ​​emergency, intensive care and care for the seriously injured, the statutory management of the section has been reinforced by the so-called NIS board since 2011. At the suggestion of the Working Group for the Implementation of TraumaNetzwerk DGU (AKUT), the NIS section sends two representatives to the TraumaNetzwerk DGU committee. All members of the DGU are free to work within the section. Non-members of the society can work as associated members in the section if they are full members of another scientific association whose tasks and goals are basically the same as those of the DGU. Active participation is required from the members.

AK TraumaRegister The scientific management of the TraumaRegister DGU is subject to the NIS section, which is responsible for the continuous development of the data set, the development of new quality indicators, the content of the quality reports and the type of data use. The associated working platform is the TraumaRegister working group, the best-known working group of the NIS section, which ensures the further scientific development of the TraumaRegister DGU. The working group meets annually for a two-day retreat in the Kardinal-Schulte-Haus in Bensberg, a district of Bergisch Gladbach, near Cologne.

TNT Congress The annual congress of the NIS section is the TNT. This public one-day congress serves as a collegial exchange in the field of emergency, intensive care and care for the severely injured and is organized and carried out in cooperation with the TraumaNetzwerk DGU® committee. The venue changes annually. The most important news in the field of care for the seriously injured from the fields of science and research as well as trauma networks are presented here. New developments in the reality of care, the current literature and new scientific findings are presented and discussed. The annual TraumaRegister DGU report is traditionally presented to the public at the meeting. Since 2016, the three most important scientific papers of the past year, which were created on the basis of the TraumaRegister DGU database, have been presented at the TNT and awarded the “TraumaRegister DGU Publication of the Year” prize by the DGU. The NIS board decides on the award. Decisive for the nomination are the achieved scientific impact of the work (according to the impact factor according to the Journal Citation Report) and the originality of the topic. Only one work per clinic can be considered each year. The TNT was at the end of a rather short development that began with an annual symposium organized by the AK TraumaRegister in autumn, at which the annual report TraumaRegister DGU was presented. This symposium took place in a rather small setting and was part of the section's autumn meeting. In order to give the meeting and the annual report more attention, the section used it to design its annual congress, which was announced nationwide at all participating clinics and which was first held in September 2011 at the Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin (ukb). Because the dates of the annual congress TraumaNetzwerk DGU, the annual meeting of the Working Group Implementation TraumaNetzwerk DGU and there were common themes, the decision was made to organize the events together. The first TNT took place in Düsseldorf in 2014.



  • Andreas Seekamp, ​​since it was founded until 2010
  • Sascha Flohé, 2011 to 2016
  • Gerrit Matthes, since 2017

Deputy ladder

  • Steffen Ruchholtz, since it was founded until 2010
  • Thomas Paffrath, 2011 to 2016
  • Heiko Trentzsch, since 2017


  • Rolf Lefering, since it was founded until 2010
  • Heiko Trentzsch, 2011 to 2016
  • Dan Bieler, since 2017


Trauma surgery is also understood within the newly created joint department of orthopedics and trauma surgery as the medical discipline that cares for injured patients from the scene of the accident to the end of the rehabilitation, as far as possible. Thus, both preclinical emergency medicine and intensive care medicine in the context of the care of the seriously injured are in the main field of activity of the trauma surgeon. In order to live up to this claim, the working groups at that time "AG Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine" and "AG Polytrauma" (founding name AG Scoringsysteme) came together in 2007, because both the subject areas and in particular the people involved in both working groups have changed over the years increasingly overlapped. After working groups work on defined issues for a limited time in accordance with the statutes, it seemed obvious to both the members of both groups and the then acting DGU Secretary General Siebert to restructure the subject areas and combine them into a permanent section. At a joint meeting of the two working groups on February 9, 2007, in the library of the University Clinic Frankfurt am Main, chaired by Oestern and Seekamp, ​​the proposal to the Presidium of the DGU to found the new section from the merger of these two working groups was made formulated and decided unanimously by those present. In the proposal, the chairpersons of this newly founded section were proposed at the same time after they had been selected by the members of both working groups in an election process. A possible concept for the future structure and working method of the section was also developed at the meeting. Within the section, 5–8 working groups / project groups should work on their topics independently. As part of the DGU presidium meeting on June 15/16. June 2007, the merger of the Polytrauma working group and the Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine Working Group of the DGU founded the new section called Emergency, Intensive Care Medicine and Care for the Seriously Injured. The first official meeting of the newly established section under the name "Emergency / Intensive Care Medicine and Seriously Injured Care Section" took place on 13/14. July 2007 at the University Hospital in Kiel, in the seminar room 4.11 of the administration building at Brunswiker Strasse 10, chaired by the newly appointed management, Seekamp and Ruchholtz. At the suggestion of those present, Lefering was elected first secretary of the section by acclamation.

Network and cooperation

  • AG Emergency, Disaster and Tactical Surgery (EKTC) of the DGU
  • American College of Surgeons (ACS)
  • ATLS Germany
  • AUC - Academy of Trauma Surgery GmbH
  • German Society for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery (DGOU) eV
  • German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (DIVI)
  • German Resuscitation Council (GRC)
  • Program committee of the German Interdisciplinary Emergency Medicine Congress
  • International Association for Trauma and Intensive Care (IATSIC)
  • PHTLS Germany

TraumaNetzwerk DGU

TraumaRegister DGU


The NIS section is called the “Committee on Emergency Medicine, Intensive Care and Trauma Management”. The fact that the acronym of the TNT Congress is identical with the abbreviation of the explosive trinitrotoluene was intended and desired by the “makers” of the first conference; It was hoped that this meeting would discuss issues with nationwide explosive power.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Source: Rules of Procedure according to the decision of the Presidium of June 9, 2006 VI Sections and Working Groups §1 Sections (2)
  2. Source: Rules of Procedure according to the decision of the Presidium of June 9, 2006 VI Sections and Working Groups §1 Sections (1) and statutes of the German Society for Trauma Surgery eV (statutes last amended by the DGU general meeting on October 29, 2014)
  3. Source: Rules of Procedure according to the decision of the Presidium of June 9, 2006 VI Sections and Working Groups §1 Sections (1) and statutes of the German Society for Trauma Surgery eV (statutes last amended by the DGU general meeting on October 29, 2014)
  4. Source: Rules of Procedure according to the decision of the Presidium of June 9, 2006 VI Sections and Working Groups §1 Sections (3)
  5. Source: Organization TraumaNetzwerk DGU http://www.traumanetzwerk-dgu.de/de/ueber_uns.html
  6. Source: Articles of Association §3 (5)