Desk research

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The desk research (including Secondary market research , secondary survey , Eng. Desk Research ) is a method of market research and uses of obtaining market information, as opposed to primary research on existing sources of information.


Desk research is the acquisition, processing and interpretation of existing data. The term secondary research does not designate a specific survey method, because the data collection can have been carried out using all common survey methods such as telephone interviews, online surveys, group discussions, etc. Desk research only distinguishes market research measures from primary research in that they access data that was not collected directly for the current question. From the point of view of different market researchers, the same data can therefore be assigned to primary research or secondary research. Benefits of desk research are i. d. As a rule, the quick and inexpensive procurement of information, minimization of effort (especially in the case of extensive self-surveys and evaluations, e.g. with regard to statistics on population movements or data from the national accounts) and facilitating the interpretation and assessment of primary data. Problems of desk research are seen particularly in the rapid obsolescence of the data material, in the updating of possible survey and evaluation deficiencies and in the lack of problem compatibility. Desk research makes use of internal and external information sources. Internal company information sources are e.g. B. in the form of sales or sales statistics (e.g. employees / order, product, product group, product family, customers sorted by customer size classes, sales areas, regions, countries), cost accounting (e.g. cost types, cost centers, contribution margins according to products , Product groups) u. a. Statistics on inquiries and offers, incoming orders, complaints are available. External sources of information are e.g. B. statistical yearbooks, national and international databases, association statistics, business reports, books and magazines.

Possible sources of information

Possible sources of information for desk research are all published information .

This includes:

Company- internal databases , in which relevant data are collected, facilitate desk research. Since information that has already been found can also be relevant for other questions, the effort and time required to collect data are reduced.


The desk research is particularly suitable for

  • Identification of a primary research need
  • Expansion of the problem horizon as well
  • Formation or consolidation of hypotheses.


Depending on the quality of the available data (e.g. data series from statistical material or texts), various methods are used, e.g. B .:

Of particular importance is the research log, which, in addition to the location of the find, contains the author and all necessary information to understand the knowledge gained.


The main advantage of desk research is that it minimizes the cost and time required. The results of secondary research can also support primary research and enable a quick insight into the study areas.


The results of desk research are usually not exclusive, but are also available to other market researchers. Linked to this is the fact that some of them are not very meaningful, as the data were collected to answer specific questions. In addition, the "raw data" of the survey are not available, only the results. Desk research data may also be out of date.

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