Discussion paper

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Discussion papers or working papers (engl. Working Paper ) are mostly multi-page publications of scientists that - not - contrary to articles in scientific journals journals or textbooks appear, rather than project's own publications on their own - virtually in "self-published" - are common, such . B. on the Internet . Working papers in this sense can also be advance publications of academic articles, book chapters or reviews. Working papers are particularly common in economics. Preprints are a similar concept .

Often there are also professionally presented, e.g. B. bound or stapled copies that parallel to distribution via the Internet directly z. B. be sent to colleagues. Although they are not publications that have gone through a peer review process and therefore belong to gray literature , they define your own position and serve as binding information for colleagues. Colleagues are called on with the discussion papers to comment on them and thus to give the authors further suggestions or to point them out to errors or inconsistencies in the discussion papers.

When used in companies, discussion papers are also used to review existing standards and to further develop processes. For this purpose, existing documentation is checked, the possible changes are summarized in a discussion paper and then - often electronically - made available to other affected parties for approval. The result should be a further development of the status quo , which offers added value for all sides.


Large universities collect and publish discussion papers from their staff. Harvard Business School, for example, has a large collection of papers that are scheduled to be published in the next one to three years. Princeton University (in cooperation with Stanford University ) offers another large collection with the Princeton / Stanford Working Papers in Classics project . But this form of academic work is also used in Germany, for example at the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg . The Deutsche Bundesbank also provides a collection of discussion papers (695 discussion papers, as of February 2015).

Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) offers a supra-institutional collection of economic research papers . RePEc is an internationally distributed database for discussion and working papers, their authors and homepages.

Individual evidence

  1. What are working papers? - Article at Princeton University .
  2. Working Papers are NOT Working - Article on World Bank Blog (2011).
  3. Working Papers - Article at Harvard Business School .
  4. Princeton / Stanford Working Papers in Classics - project page at Princeton University .
  5. ^ Discussion Papers - Collection of discussion papers at the Chair of Business Ethics at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg .
  6. Discussion papers ( Memento of the original dated February 14, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. - Collection at the Deutsche Bundesbank .  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.bundesbank.de
  7. ^ Discussion papers - Collection Hannover Economic Papers of the University of Hannover .