Independent in-depth work

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The self-employed in-depth work (SVA) or, more recently, in- depth work (VA) is a major thesis in the general education subject of most vocational schools in Switzerland .

The exact rules / conditions vary from vocational school to vocational school.

Zurich city

A general topic is specified for the SVA. In the city of Zurich in 2005 it was family stories and sports. The students can independently choose a subtopic that is of interest to them. Depending on the teacher, no general topic is given, as long as you can meet all the requirements for awarding points.

The students have around eight weeks to prepare. There is an SVA for the two-year and one for the three- to four-year training, which, however, do not differ significantly from each other.

The SVA must consist of at least 2500 words. The deadline must be strictly adhered to and a detailed learning protocol / learning journal kept.

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