Sethrida Touk-Geagea

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Sethrida Touk-Geagea , ( Arabic ستريدا جعجع, also written Sitrida or Setrida , born May 15, 1967 in Kumasi , Ghana ) is a Lebanese politician .

The niece of Gibran Touk , a long-time member of the Lebanese National Assembly for the Bisharri constituency , was born in Ghana to a well-known Maronite family who had business connections in West Africa. She became politically active while studying political science at the Lebanese-American University . There she met the leader of the Forces Libanaises (FL), Samir Geagea , whom she later married.

She was one of the few politicians who publicly criticized the Syrian occupation of Lebanon and led the FL as its chairman during the time Samir Geagea was imprisoned.

Sitrida Geagea won the Maronite seat in the electoral district of Bisharri in the 2005 election and has been a member of parliament ever since.


Individual evidence