Grove of Sighs

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The Grove of Sighs was a place for excursions in Gleiwitz . The Grove of Sighs was located in the Hüttenviertel in the east of Gleiwitz, south of the Hüttenfriedhof and the Gleiwitzer Hütte.


The Grove of Sighs became a place of excursions in the 19th century at the latest. The grove of sighs stretched south of the Oberwerk trench. A promenade ran along its banks. In the Grove of Sighs, the Oberwerk ditch had a weir at which the Hüttenstichkanal began and which then ran through the park.

In the middle of the Grove of Sighs, west of the Hüttenstich Canal, was the restaurant “Zum Grove Grove” with a beer garden. There was also a bandstand. Its many whitebeam trees and hackberry trees gave the area around the Säufzerwäldchen a special character .

In the 1920s or 1930s the Oberwerk ditch was filled in and the trees in the Grove of Sighs felled. Later the area was built on by a settlement.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c magazine "Oberschlesien im Bild": Issue 17, 1933