Shoes (Ruby)

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Basic data

developer why the lucky stiff
Publishing year 2007
Current  version 3 (Policeman)
(August 19, 2010)
Current preliminary version 4th
operating system Platform independent
programming language Ruby , C and some Objective-C
category GUI toolkit
License MIT license
German speaking No

Ruby Shoes is a GUI toolkit for the Ruby programming language .

Shoes is the most popular toolkit for Ruby. It was created by Jonathan Gillette under the pseudonym why the lucky stiff (short form _why) and published in 2007. After he said goodbye to the project, it was carried on by other developers. Shoes runs on common operating systems (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux). It makes the creation of graphical user interfaces easy. With Shoes, not only is it easy to create graphic elements such as buttons and input fields, but you can also display graphics such as circles, triangles and other shapes.

Sample program

Here is an example program: :title => "Knöpfe" do
  @note = para "Bis jetzt wurde noch nichts gedrückt"

  button "Drück mich" do
    @note.replace "Aha! Der Knopf wurde gedrückt!"


  • Versions that _why participated in
  1. Version 1, "Curious"
  2. Version 2, "Raisins"
  • Versions where _why was not involved
  1. Version 3, "Policeman"

The latest version is 3.1. Shoes 4 . It was completely rewritten and developed entirely with Ruby. It no longer contains C code like the older versions.

Web links


Individual evidence

  1. Peter Cooper: Beginning Ruby , p. 468 [1]