Seven pieces of evidence

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Under the name The Seven Evidence ( Arabic : Dala'i-i-Sab'ih ) there are two works that are considered sacred books of Babism : a long version in Persian and a shorter version in Arabic.


Both versions were written by Bab , the founder of Babism's religion , in 1847 or 1848 when he was incarcerated in Maku Fortress . A small part of this work was translated into English by Habib Taherzadeh . This book was then translated into German by the Deutsche Bahai-Verlag . The seven evidences were completed by the orientalist A.-L.-M. Nicolas translated into French . The Seven Evidences were written to unknown recipients who were either not Babis or Babis whose faith had been shaken. The Arabic version sums up the seven evidences found in the Persian text.


The Seven Evidence is an apology in defense of the Bab's claims. In it, he presents seven pieces of evidence to justify his revelation and to prove him to be a follower of Muhammad and a manifestation of God . He refers to the prophets Adam , Abraham , Noah , Moses , Jesus Christ and Mohammed and describes the progressive revelation .


  • Bab: A selection from his writings . Bahai Verlag GmbH, Hofheim-Langenhain 1991, ISBN 3-87037-247-8 , p. 117-128 ( online ).
  • Bab: Selections from the Writings of the Báb . Bahá'í Publishing Trust, Wilmette, Illinois, USA 1976, ISBN 1-931847-30-4 , pp. 115-126 ( online ).
  • A.-L.-M. Nicolas: Le Livre des Sept Preuves de la Mission du Bab . Librairie Orientale et Americaine, Paris 1902 ( online ).
  • Dennis MacEoin: The sources of early Babi doctrine and history . EJBrill, Leiden 1992, pp. 85-88 .