Significant wave height

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Definition of the significant wave height

The significant wave height (symbol ) describes in coastal engineering and oceanography a certain wave height , the questions of assessment is used by coastal structures and bank protection.

The significant wave height is statistically defined as the arithmetic mean of the highest third of the waves (sorted by wave height) of an observation (for a certain sea area and a certain observation time, e.g. over 20 minutes). It is therefore also used as a formula symbol . Assuming a Rayleigh-distributed swell, this wave height is exceeded by 13.5% of all waves.

The original definition was drawn up by Walter Munk in 1944 and was based on the wave height, which a "trained observer" would estimate as the decisive wave height.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Ulrich Zanke: Technical hydraulics: Compendium for hydraulic engineering . Springer, 2012, ISBN 978-3-642-05489-1 , pp. 238 .
  2. Working committee "Shore edging" of the Hafentechnische Gesellschaft eV and the German Society for Geotechnics eV (ed.): Recommendations of the working committee "Shore edging": Port and Waterways EAU 2012 . John Wiley & Sons, 2013, ISBN 978-3-433-60240-9 , pp. 113 ff .