Simple file verification

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Simple File Verification (short SFV , . English , "Simple File Verification") is a method for checking the integrity of files using CRC32 - checksum . The usual file extension for SFV files is .sfv .


SFV files contain the names of the files checked and the associated checksums. With the help of an "SFV validator", the CRC32 checksums of the existing files are calculated and compared with those of the SFV file. In this way it can be determined whether errors occurred during a file transfer, for example. If the checksums do not match, the corresponding file is declared corrupt .

The most common use of the SFV format can be found in connection with FTP , since there the susceptibility to corrupt files due to prematurely aborted file transfers and accidental transfers of binary files in text mode is high.


SFV files consist of the file name line by line, followed by the CRC32 checksum. Lines beginning with a semicolon are treated as comments . The following is an example of an SFV file:

; Generated by WIN-SFV32 v1.1a (QuickSFV v2.32 Compatibility Mode) on 2007-07-17 at 21:25:39
;     15874568  00:00.01 2007-07-18 01-audioglider_-_crystalline.mp3
;     16813047  00:00.01 2007-07-18 02-audioglider_-_lens_flare_sky.mp3
01-audioglider_-_crystalline.mp3 A5BE6EB3
02-audioglider_-_lens_flare_sky.mp3 4D3C5BD4

See also

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