Scaphander (computer game)

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Skaphander - The Mission
Studio op group germany
Publisher Navigo
Senior Developer Rael Wissdorf , Felicitas Oehler, Johann C. Lotter
platform DOS
Game engine Acknex
genre Ego shooter
Game mode Single player
control Keyboard Mouse
medium CD-ROM
language German French

Skaphander - The contract was the first computer game by the German development team "op group germany" and was published by Navigo in 1995. In Skaphander it was a "bloodless" first-person shooter in which you put on the skin of the protagonist Victor Marrazzo, the free on behalf of a secret organization, the World Wide Web of dangerous viruses and had at the same time save his lost brother. The game story by Rael Wissdorf , inspired by William Gibson, anticipates some matrix ideas.

Technically, Skaphander is astonishingly mature compared to the year of its release and offered some features more than Doom , which was extremely popular at the time - a multiplayer mode was not yet implemented, however. For Skaphander first developed by Conitec graphics engine was Acknex used.

In 1997, Data Becker released an upgrade also developed by oP group under the title “Virus Explosion”.

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