Skim boarding

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Skim boarding
Single phases

Skimboarding is a water sport based on the principle of fluid friction between surfaces at different speeds (3rd area in the Stribeck curve ). Not entirely correct, but it has become common practice to trace the sport back to the principle of aquaplaning . A flat disk, which has an approximately oval shape and is slightly curved upwards towards the outside, serves as sports equipment - called a skimboard . It mostly consists of wood, which varies in quality depending on the price range. The decisive factor here is how the individual wood layers are glued and which glaze (e.g. synthetic resin) the board has as a seal. On this board, the athlete tries to slide on the surface of flat water in the outflow area of ​​the surf.

In preparation, the top of the skimboard is rubbed with a special wax to give it a better grip and to prevent the feet from slipping.

There are different types of skimboarding as well as two types of boards:

  • “Waveskim”, 99% of which is a polyester board
  • "Jumpskimming", also polyester boards
  • "Flatland skimming" or "inland skimboarding", where 70% of the time you use a wooden board

With waveskiming you drive from the beach towards a wave and try to do tricks on it, with jumpskimming you also drive from the beach onto as high a wave as possible and then jump off the board and do a somersault in the air, for example the last type, flatland skimming, you drive on ramps and the like in as shallow water as possible. Ä.

Web links

Commons : Skimboarding  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files