Smart UI

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Smart UI , also called Smart User Interface ( German  " Elegant User Interface " ), is a software design or development pattern in which a graphical user interface is designed with the help of a GUI builder . The developer places the controls on the surface and defines them as triggers for events that are handled in an associated code-behind file. The Smart UI pattern can be used under MFC , VB6 , Windows Forms and ASP.NET Web Forms , among others . As a rule, the principle of separation of concerns is dispensed with when programming event handling as part of the smart UI pattern . This results in disadvantages for software development, especially with regard to maintainability and expandability ; the pattern encourages the creation of spaghetti code . In this regard, the pattern is also considered an anti-pattern . The smart UI pattern is advantageous, among other things, in that it represents a comparatively low hurdle for newcomers to programming and it can be used for prototyping user interfaces. The disadvantages of the Smart-UI-Pattern try to compensate among other things the architecture pattern Model View Controller and Model View ViewModel by separating layers .
