Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index

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The term soil-adjusted vegetation index ( BBVI ) is a vegetation index . In English, he will SAVI abbreviated , what s oil a djusted v egetation i ndex is. Like other vegetation indices, it is calculated on the basis of satellite data.


The calculation of the soil-adjusted vegetation index is very similar to the NDVI . In addition to the degree of reflection in the near infrared (NIR) and in the red visible range (red), the empirically determined correction factor L is also included:

The factor L varies between 0 and 1, whereby smaller values ​​are assigned to it, the denser the vegetation is. Often 0.5 is used as the mean value. Since the soil-adjusted vegetation index is heavily dependent on L , the NDVI is preferred as the more robust index in most cases.


There are several variations of the soil-adjusted vegetation index, e.g. B .:

  • OSAVI (optimized soil-adjusted vegetation index )
Author: Rondeaux, Steven & Baret, 1996
  • TSAVI (transformed soil adjusted vegetation index )
Author: Baret & Guyot, 1994
  • MSAVI ( modified soil adjusted vegetation index )
Author: Qi, Chehbouni, Huete, Kerr & Sorooshian, 1994
  • MSAVI2