Somatoform pain disorder

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Classification according to ICD-10
F45.4 Somatoform pain disorder
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

A somatoform pain disorder (also psychalgia ) is a form of somatoform disorder that is characterized by a subjectively felt, at least 6 months lasting, intense and excruciating pain in a part of the body that is not adequately explained by a physical disorder or a physiological event can be expressed. The occurrence of this pain is coupled with serious emotional and / or psychosocial stress or conflicts , which are in a decisive causal relationship to its genesis. Increased personal attention and medical care follow as a possible gain in illness. Compared to somatization disorders, this pain is persistent and the focus of attention of the person concerned.

Differential diagnosis is difficult with regard to the separation of histrionic processing of organically caused physical pain. The pain must also not be attributable to schizophrenia or depression .

Persistent somatoform pain disorder is coded in the ICD-10 (International Classification of Mental Disorders - Chapter V (F)) with F45.4. This means that it is assigned to the group of neurotic disorders in the clinical diagnostic guidelines. A distinction can be made between the ICD-10 diagnoses F45.40 and F45.41 (see Chronic Pain Syndrome ). In the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), the coding within the group of somatoform disorders is as 307.80 pain disorder in connection with psychological factors.


  • H. Dilling, W. Mombour, MH Schmidt, E. Schulte-Markwort (Eds.): ICD-10, International Classification of Mental Disorders - Chapter V (F), WHO. Publisher Hans Huber, Bern / Göttingen / Toronto / Seattle 2000.
  • Henning Saß , Hans-Ulrich Wittchen , Michael Zaudig : DSM-IV, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Hogrefe, Göttingen / Bern / Toronto / Seattle 1996.
  • K. Paulitsch: Practice of ICD-10 diagnostics. A guide for psychotherapists and psychologists. Facultas, Vienna 2004.
  • C. Lahmann, P. Henningsen, M. Noll-Hussong: Somatoform pain disorder - overview. In: Psychiatria Danubina. 2010, 22, pp. 453-458.

Web links

  • A. Batra: Fibromyalgia and Somatoform Pain Disorder from a Psychiatric Perspective. In: Med Sach. 103 4/2007. (Summary)