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Life cycle of Dictyostelium : the Sorokarp top left (referred to as the fruiting body in Fig. )

As sorocarp (also Sorocarp . From Greek σωρός : pile and καρπός : fruit ) refers to the fruit body of Dictyosteliida (one of the slime molds belonging to subclass; see also genus Dictyostelium ). The amoeboid unicellular fungi unite ( aggregate ) to form the fruiting body to form a pseudoplasmodium , which then differentiates into stalk (sorophore) and head ( sorus ).

The spatial extent of Sorokarpen is in the macroscopic range - they can therefore be seen with the naked eye.

See also

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Sorokarp at
  2. Kurato Mohri, Yu Kiyota, Hidekazu Kuwayama, Hideko Urushihara: Temporal and non-permanent division of labor during sorocarp formation in the social amoeba Acytostelium subglobosum . In: Developmental Biology . tape 375 , no. 2 , March 15, 2013, p. 202-209 , doi : 10.1016 / j.ydbio.2013.01.003 .