Sovon Vogelonderzoek Nederland

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Sovon Vogelonderzoek Nederland (short: Sovon, English name: Dutch Center for Field Ornithology , German for example: Dutch Center for Field Ornithology ) is a Dutch non-profit organization with the main objective of monitoring the occurrence, distribution and population development of Dutch birds . It is based in Nijmegen . Sovon registers the increase and decrease of bird populations and examines the underlying causes. The results of Sovon's monitoring programs (together with those of non-profit organizations that pursue similar issues for plants or other animal groups) form the basis for nature conservation policy in the Netherlands and are used in a variety of areas.

Core activities are the coordination of bird counts, data analysis and the publication of the results. Around 8,000 voluntary observers form the axis of the organization and provide data for numerous monitoring programs such as the nationwide mapping of breeding birds , water bird counts or the counts of sleeping places. In addition, Sovon has almost 4,000 members, most of whom are also observers. Around 65 employees work in the Sovon office. In 1979, Sovon published the first atlas on breeding birds in the Netherlands. In 1987, 2002 and 2018 three more atlases followed.

The research department at Sovon is headed by Julia Stahl .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ GC Boere, Colin A. Galbraith, David A. Stroud: Waterbirds Around the World. A Global Overview of the Conservation, Management and Research of the World's Waterbird Flyways. The Stationery Office, 2006, ISBN 9780114973339 , p. 146
  2. Atlas van de Nederlandse broedvogels. NM / SOVON's Graveland, 1979 ISBN 9070099195
  3. ^ Atlas van de Nederlandse vogels. Sovon, 1987 ISBN 9072121015
  4. Atlas van de Nederlandse broedvogels. Sovon Vogelonderzoek Nederland, 2002 ISBN 9050111610
  5. Vogelatlas van Nederland. Sovon Vogelonderzoek Nederland, 2018 ISBN 9789021570051

Web links