Special Escort Group (Metropolitan Police)

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The Special Escort Group ( SEG ) is part of the Specialist Operations unit SO14 (Royalty Protection) of the Metropolitan Police Service in London. It belongs to the Protection Command .

The unit provides armed motorcycle patrols to accompany members of the royal family, members of the government and state visitors, provided that the person concerned is under the supervision of the Protection Command . The unit also accompanies transports of valuable or dangerous goods and dangerous prisoners. In addition to the motorcycles, other vehicles are also used, especially Range Rover and BMW 5 Series in civilian and also as patrol cars.

The officers have already been on duty in other departments of various types before they were employed in the SEG. You are among the few motorcycle police officers in the UK who are armed on duty. They have to complete the advanced driver training, advanced motorcyclists and special driver training with tactics to prevent kidnappings. In addition, all members of the SEG are Authorized Firearms Officers , which means they are trained in firearms and authorized to use them. The officers are armed with the Glock 17 pistol and, due to their training, are authorized to use the Heckler and Koch MP5 submachine gun .

A motorcyclist acts as the lead driver at the head of the escort and directs the escort. The other riders drive ahead, clearing the way for the lead motorcycle. There are no sirens attached to the motorcycles. Whistles are used in their place. This is mainly done for reasons of noise protection.