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A spermicide is a sperm- killing agent that is used for contraception . By killing the sperm, fertilization is prevented.

In most spermicides, the chemical compound nonoxynol-9 is the medically effective component that has been discussed in recent years, as it can irritate and injure the vaginal mucous membrane. Gels based on lactic or citric acid are also offered as contraceptive products. Since an acidic environment does not kill the sperm, but paralyzes it, such products are not spermicidal in the sense of the definition, but are often confused with them because of the same intended use and presentation as a gel. The sperm can no longer actively swim and also no longer passively reach the cervix with its alkaline environment. With a similar effect, nonoxynol-9-free products have the advantage that they do not taste bitter during oral sex.

Spermicides are available in different dosage forms. B. contained in many vaginal suppositories. There are also spermicide gels for use with barrier contraceptives for women, such as diaphragms, cervical caps or LEA contraceptives. Some condom manufacturers also add spermicidal lubricants to their products.

When used alone, spermicides have a Pearl Index of 3 to 21.

Contraceptive gels and creams should always be used with a barrier method (such as a diaphragm or condom ) to increase the safety of contraception.

However, creams or suppositories containing spermicides that are not designed to be water-based should not be used with condoms because they make the gum porous.

Web links

  • Familienplanung.de - Spermizid : The information portal of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA)

Individual evidence

  1. Pro Familia describes it as susceptibility to injury to the vaginal mucosa . [1]
  2. Guideline contraception of the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics (DGGG), 2004, online at AWMF
  3. Pro Familia : Contraceptive Gels [2]
  4. Info brochure Do it with the Federal Center for Health Education, keyword: spermicides