Language based system

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In a language-based system ( operating system ), both the kernel and the programs were programmed in a high-level language such as Java .


In a language-based protection system, the kernel only allows the execution of code that has been generated by a compiler classified as trustworthy . The code must also be written in a language that is considered to be trustworthy. Such a language could then, for example, be implemented in such a way that it makes it impossible for a programmer to use it for something that contradicts the defined security rules of the system (see also managed code ) .



Individual evidence

  1. Michael Golm, Meik Felser, Christian Wawerish, Jürgen Kleinöder: JX - A flexible operating system (diagram) . University of Erlangen. Retrieved April 21, 2007.
  2. ^ F. Schneider, G. Morrissett, R. Harper: A Language-Based Approach to Security . (PDF; 175 kB) In: Informatics: 10 Years Back, 10 Years Ahead . 2000