Language training

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With language support all of the methods is called, to bring children and young people on the linguistic development of their peers by helping them with reasonable methods to make general progress in the mastery of a language, d. H. in the narrow sense, to make progress in mastering the national language .

Language promotion and language development

The term is most frequently encountered in pre-school education , but also in the pedagogy of the primary level of the school system and in special language schools (cf. Tatjana Kolberg, 2007). Basically, however, language support is an endeavor that is demanded from all educational institutions - and recently also from families - today. Language promotion is of great importance when children have deficits in language comprehension or expression in the course of their development (compared to their peers); It makes sense then to help the child compensate for these deficits through targeted linguistic interactions. The activity of the child is required - additional passive consumption of language (e.g. in front of the television set) has no (supportive) effect. A study from 2009 shows that children under three years of age hardly benefit from television programs or videos specially designed for toddlers "to promote language learning": toddlers were only able to learn new verbs if an adult took them along actively supported.

Target groups for language training

The results of language level surveys show that children who speak German as a second language have significantly more language problems than children who speak German as their mother tongue. In addition to multilingualism, the social environment of the child and family are relevant factors for children's language skills . Children whose mother tongue is not German as well as children from socially disadvantaged families therefore have a special need for language training. Accordingly, language support plays a role in the integration of immigrants . The language of education makes special demands.

The individual federal states have different concepts for language support for preschool and school children. There is also a close relationship with reading promotion .

Scientific basics of language training

Language promotion in kindergartens and primary schools is an interdisciplinary task in which various sciences are involved, such as learning and developmental psychology , neurophysiology , neurobiology , linguistics . The task of pedagogical practice is to implement and apply the latest scientific findings in everyday life in kindergarten and school.

Above all in the area of ​​preschool language support and elementary school education, there is a wealth of literature that makes it easy for parents and teachers to support them.


  • Tatjana Kolberg (Hrsg.): Speech therapy support in the classroom . Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2007.
  • Rita Zellerhoff: Diversity of language education. Action-oriented and open-minded paths to language culture. From the elementary exchange to the conceptualization of abstract terms, Frankfurt / M .: Peter Lang Edition, (2013), ISBN 978-3-631-62983-3 (print); E- ISBN 978-3-653-03789-0 (e-book)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ S. Roseberry, K. Hirsh-Pasek, J. Parish-Morris, RM Golinkoff: Live action: can young children learn verbs from video? In: Child development. Volume 80, number 5, 2009 Sep-Oct, pp. 1360-1375, doi : 10.1111 / j.1467-8624.2009.01338.x , PMID 19765005 , PMC 2759180 (free full text).
  2. Marielle Reyhn: Language Promotion in All-Day Schools, 2014, p. 85
  3. Marielle Reyhn: Language Promotion in All-Day Schools, 2014, p. 12
  4. Karin Jampert, Petra Best u. a. Key competence language. Language education and support in kindergarten . 2nd edition 2007. p. 65. Munich: German Youth Institute
  5. Myra Thürsam: Multicultural Library Work, 2008, p. 33
  6. ^ Herbert Günther: Concrete language support . Weinheim and Basel: Beltz Verlag, 2006. p. 25
  7. cf. u. a. Florian Hartnack (2014): Little cat, spherical. Moving stories on language promotion (978-3-95631-201-4) or Renate Zimmer (2009): Handbook for language promotion through movement (978-3-451-32160-3).