St. James Brotherhood Trier

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The St. Jakobus Brotherhood Trier ( proper spelling : St. Jakobusbruderschaft Trier) is a Jakobus Society and is one of the oldest Jakobus Brotherhoods in Germany.


The first written mention dates back to the year 1239. In 1803 the brotherhood was dissolved. It was re-established in 2003 as a registered association and as a church association recognized by the Bishop of Trier. A short time later the accreditation by the Arch Brotherhood of St. James in Santiago de Compostela took place.

Organization and events

The name " Brotherhood " was retained because of its historical roots. Anyone, regardless of gender or religion, who feels connected to the pilgrim and his support, can become a member. The fraternity is led by the fraternity council, which is elected for four years by the assembly of members, the so-called fraternity assembly. The executive board is currently (2017) Hubert Schnabel, Ricarda Kuhner and Markus Nicolay.

We support and advise everyone who visits the city of Trier as pilgrims and those who are planning a pilgrimage to the three historical, occidental-Christian pilgrimage destinations of Santiago de Compostela , Rome or Jerusalem .

Pilgrims Office
The pilgrims' office cooperates with the " Cathedral Information" of the High Cathedral of St. Peter in Trier . It is the contact point for pilgrims who are en route to France and Spain on the Camino de Santiago and, if necessary, arranges accommodation for pilgrims with members of the St. James Brotherhood.
James evening
On the last Friday of an odd month (except July), the so-called Jakobusabend takes place, which is celebrated with a pilgrim mass and the pilgrim's blessing in the Trier market church of St. Gangolf .
The brotherhood organizes pilgrimages on the Way of St. James in the Trier region and in neighboring Lorraine . Since 2016 it has also offered spiritually guided pilgrimage to Jerusalem and Rome for its members.
The brotherhood supported a thesis in psychology on pilgrimages on the Camino de Santiago: Expectations and experiences in the light of a questionnaire study . In 2014 she took part in the specialist conference of the University of Trier on pilgrimages and pilgrimages: an expression of contemporary spirituality and religion ?! . In 2016, the brotherhood brought the interdisciplinary research volume Adventure Pilgrims - A Popular Topic Researched Interdisciplinary . In addition to a number of articles that deal with the St. James pilgrimage, there are also research results on the Trier Heilig-Rock-Pilgrimage 2012.
A partnership agreement has existed with the Asociación de Amigos del Camino de Santiago in Astorga, Spain, since 2012 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. On the Archicofradía Universal del Apóstol Santiago see Qué es la Archicofradía. from (Spanish), accessed March 15, 2017.
  2. Brother Council
  3. ^ Trier Cathedral Information
  4. Reading with your feet - A pilgrimage through the Holy Land -. In: St. Jakobusbruderschaft Trier eV April 9, 2016, accessed on December 30, 2019 (German).
  5. Secretary: Only one way leads (us) to Rome -. In: St. Jakobusbruderschaft Trier eV June 9, 2019, accessed on December 30, 2019 (German).
  6. Summary of the study , accessed on March 15, 2017.
  7. ^ Prospectus of the symposium , accessed on March 15, 2017.
  8. ^ Secretary: Research volume on the subject of pilgrimages appears -. In: St. Jakobusbruderschaft Trier eV November 13, 2016, accessed on December 30, 2019 (German).
  9. Asociación de Amigos del Camino de Santiago de Astorga y su Comarca (Spanish), accessed on March 15, 2017.