State Archives of Perugia

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Archivio di Stato di Perugia
State Archives Perugia

Archive type State Archives
Coordinates 43 ° 6 '25.2 "  N , 12 ° 23' 32.3"  E Coordinates: 43 ° 6 '25.2 "  N , 12 ° 23' 32.3"  E
place Perugia
founding 1947
carrier MiBACT
Website Archivio di Stato di Perugia

The State Archives Perugia (Archivio di Stato di Perugia) is located in Perugia , the capital of Umbria . Subsidiaries are in Assisi , Foligno , Gubbio and Spoleto . The data connection between the facilities has not yet been completed, so that the exchange is currently (as of 2017) not yet fully guaranteed.


The current seat of the State Archives in Perugia is the former monastery of San Domenico, whereby it occupies only one wing of the convent, the other parts house the National Archaeological Museum of Umbria . The monastery was built in 1233/34 at Porta San Pietro. The church belonging to it, of which only parts of the medieval structure have survived, now houses one of the archives' deposits. The driving force behind the expansion was Leonardo Mansueti from Perugia, general of the order between 1474 and 1480. In addition to the large dormitory , he initiated the construction of the large hall that was intended for the library. Today the conference hall of the State Archives is located there.

With the dissolution of the order after the establishment of Italy, the convention fell to the commune. At first it was converted into a barracks , where the 51 ° Reggimento fanteria della brigata Alpi was housed. After the Second World War it became the seat of the Musei civici and the State Archives, which have been located there since 1947.

Since the earthquake of 1997, extensive restoration work has been necessary, including a new reading room, a new room for the institute library, and then the entire substructure. In 2007, further renovation work was necessary for fire protection reasons and for new storage facilities.


The department or dépendance (sezione) in Assisi was established in 1984. Until the earthquake of September 26, 1997, it was located in several places in the Vicolo degli Esposti. Similar to the entire city administration, the archive also had to move to temporary locations. It was not until 2005 that the domicile next to the Palazzo Comunale and the Basilica di S. Chiara on Corso Mazzini could be moved into. The house has a reading room, a library and a small auditorium didattica .

The Foligno Department was established in 1957 as a Sezione of the Perugin State Archives, but only opened in 1963. Initially the institute resided near the local library in the residence of the Trinci, the Signori von Foligno. In 1997 the archive moved to the Palazzo Deli, more precisely on its third floor, the mezzanine and the roof. The palace is located in Piazza del Grano 1, very close to the Communal Bibliohtek Dante Alighieri , the Museum in Palazzo Trinci, the Biblioteca Iacobilli, the Archives of the Diocese and the Chapter (Diocesano e Capitolare). The building built by the Nuti-Varini family eventually went to the deli. As the Folignese historian Ludovico Jacobilli reports, Francesco Nuti came from Assisi to Foligno in 1510 and had this building built. Soon, however, the newly recorded archive material burst into space and so parts of the holdings were transferred to the Località Paciana in 2008.

The Gubbio department also became a subdivision of the Archives in Perugia in 1957, and in this case too the law was implemented belatedly, here in 1965. This was done at the request of the Gubbio City Council. It was located on the second floor of the Palazzo del Podestà, but with the possibility of expanding into the Palazzo Ducale. This happened in 1968. Gubbio is responsible for a considerable part of the costs, including the financing of the directorate. The Friars Minor Monastery of S. Francesco records further archival material. The move there was completed in 1999.

The Spoleto department was assigned to the Perugia State Archives by law as early as 1950. It first found a seat in the 17th century Palazzo Mauri. As elsewhere, the space requirement grew, so that in the early 1980s it was decided to move to the Antico ospedale di S. Matteo. The necessary construction work was completed in 1990. Since 1991 the Sezione di Archivio di Stato di Spoleto has leased the current headquarters. In 2006, the Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali acquired the entire complex. The necessary restoration work is still pending.


The library was established in 1947 when the archive was also established. It was intended from the beginning to promote the work of archivists. Despite this specialization, the house's holdings grew not only through acquisitions from archival science , reference works and atlases, but also through donations from archivists' users, the archivists themselves and through publications. The library owns 30,000 units, i.e. volumes, smaller works, incunabula, 762 cinquecentines, i.e. printed works from the 16th century, plus 500 periodicals at least partially. Among the latter, the house holds 50 current magazines. The Fondi Giuseppe Belforti, Emilio Barbanera, Fani or Rossi-Scotti are of greater importance.

The library has been part of the Servizio bibliotecario nazionale Sebina since March 2012 . The catalog with its new additions, local history and the branches of archival science, palaeography and diplomacy can be consulted on the Internet.

See also

Web links


  1. Umbria .