City drum

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Stadttambour (or Stadttrummler ) is the name of a historical office for the public announcement of news. The announcement was announced by drumbeats . There were city rambours in Basel, Karlsruhe and Bensheim, among others.


In Basel (Switzerland), official notices from the authorities and private advertisements were drummed out and announced through the city drum up to the middle of the 19th century. Due to the increasing distribution of news papers, the institution then fell out of use.

The last Basel city drum and crier was Johann Friedrich Beck, called "Schnurebegg". By receiving and delivering news and through his extensive visits to restaurants and pubs, he had contact with all strata of the population. So he learned and passed on many stories. The Basel carnival clique Schnurebegge referred to him in 1926.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karlsruhe rear seat of the 18th century. GenWiki, accessed June 21, 2011 .
  2. ^ Bensheim chance finds. GenWiki, accessed June 21, 2011 .
  3. The city drum. Project Basel Buildings, accessed on June 21, 2011 .
  4. Fasnachtsgesellschaft Schnurebegge 1926 on Facebook