Stadtwerke Fröndenberg

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Stadtwerke Fröndenberg GmbH

legal form GmbH
founding 1896
Seat Fröndenberg / Ruhr
management Managing Director Bernd Heitmann
Number of employees 111 (as of 2018)
sales 32.4 million euros (as of 2018)
Branch Energy industry

The Stadtwerke Fröndenberg GmbH is a service company for public supply of the city of Fröndenberg / Ruhr , which is 100 percent owned by the City Fröndenberg. Its services include natural gas, drinking water, electricity and energy-related services as well as telecommunications services. In addition, the municipal utilities operate an outdoor pool - the Löhnbad.


The city of Fröndenberg is the sole shareholder of Stadtwerke Fröndenberg GmbH. The shareholders' meeting consists of the council of the city of Fröndenberg.

The Supervisory Board accompanies the situation and development of the company and informs itself about important events in the company. The supervisory board consists of 16 members, including eight council representatives, four employee representatives, three expert citizens and the mayor of Fröndenberg. Gerhard Greczka has been chairman of the supervisory board of Stadtwerke Fröndenberg GmbH since July 2, 2014.

Since 1998 Bernd Heitmann has been entrusted with the management of Stadtwerke Fröndenberg GmbH.

In 2018, 111 employees worked, including six trainees for the municipal utilities. Personnel expenses in 2018 were EUR 6.5 million.



The success story of Stadtwerke Fröndenberg GmbH began with the resolution passed by the community fathers in 1896 to build a waterworks to ensure that the population was supplied with clean drinking water. Because rivers and streams were no longer unpolluted due to increasing industrialization and harbored disease and epidemic risks. After the commissioning of the waterworks and a pipeline network of 13.9 kilometers in length in 1897, the water supply was continuously expanded. So in 1900 the well I was created with a depth of 6.86 meters and the Veuhoff elevated tanks (231.2m above sea level, capacity 150 cubic meters) and Luna-Park (capacity 200 cubic meters). In 1915 the municipality of Fröndenberg acquired the “Wickeder Werke Protland Cement-Fabrik GmbH” and henceforth owns a second waterworks. In 1923 another hydropower plant was built on the Ruhr Bridge with the aim of meeting the increased demand for electricity. This power plant was named after the visionary waterworks director Moeller. In 1926, the seven meter deep Well II was added and in 1930 the Henrichsknübel elevated tank with 100 cubic meters at 244.7 m above sea level.

In 1938 the first treatment plant was put into operation, in which chlorine is mixed into the water to kill germs and bacteria. Well III followed in 1941 as well as the Klusenweg / Klokkenhoff, up to then largest elevated tank (1,200 cubic meters). Seven years later, the Fröndenberg water supply already had a network length of almost 52 kilometers with 971 house connections with 1,011 water meters.

As a further important expansion of the Fröndenberg water supply, the old Henrichsknübel elevated tank was replaced in 1979 by the new one with a capacity of 3,000 cubic meters. In 1983 the public utilities acquired Brunnen IV and in 1984 took over the water supply in Bausenhagen. At the same time, a water treatment plant was built to counter the groundwater pollution from halogenated chlorinated hydrocarbons (HKW). In 1986, a new chlorine plant was installed in addition to a modern metacorin plant in order to better protect the supply network against corrosion. Since the beginning of the nineties, the annual water discharge has averaged between 800,000 and 830,000 cubic meters. With the construction of the Langschede hydropower plant in 1993, Stadtwerke Fröndenberg GmbH also set an example for the future and made a clear commitment to an ecologically oriented corporate policy. In 1997, 100 years of water supply was celebrated. The supply network was 130 kilometers and reached more than 3,000 house connections.

On August 27, 2007 the high water level of the Ruhr, which contaminated the drinking water wells.

The waterworks and the "Wasserwerk Fröndenberg-Menden-GmbH": In spring 2011, construction of a 33 x 27 meter system began on the drinking water extraction site on Fröndenberger Straße in Menden solemnly opened. This new system ensures the future drinking water quality of both municipalities. The new waterworks treats 600 cubic meters of water per hour in a multi-stage filter process. A company was founded especially for the new water treatment plant, Wasserwerk Fröndenberg-Menden GmbH.

Data water supply network Stadtwerke Fröndenberg GmbH:

was standing 2018
sale 0.81 million cubic meters
Length of water distribution network 148.1 kilometers
Installed meters 3771 pieces


After the commissioning of the waterworks in 1897, the electricity company was built in 1905 and was put into operation in the building of the waterworks. In 1908 the power supply network was expanded to include the towns of Bentrop, Neimen, Stentrop, Frohnhausen and Warmen. In 1909 the village of Bausenhagen was connected to the supply network. In 1983 the "Moellerwerk" was rebuilt and expanded. Stadtwerke Fröndenberg GmbH has been operating a Nordex N-27 / 150kW wind turbine on the Henrichsknübel since 1994. With the purchase of the power grid in 1997 in the west of the city, the Fröndenberg municipal utilities now cover the entire city area. Around 500 kilometers of network length for medium and low voltage lines are required to supply Fröndenberg. Large industrial customers in Wickede (Ruhr) and the Wickede municipal works are also supplied via a 30 kV line. Around 190 million kilowatt hours were transported over the Fröndenberg network in 2005, around 11,500 electricity meters (as of 2005) measure the consumption of individual customers.

In 2005 Stadtwerke Fröndenberg GmbH celebrated “100 Years of Power Supply” with a public festival. In 2007, the Fröndenberg and Wickede substations were connected with a new 30,000 volt cable connection. This large investment secures the electricity supply for Wicked customers. In 2018, the Fröndenberg municipal utilities will carry out another construction project to relieve the power distribution network. The aim should be to be able to transport the electricity generated by wind power and photovoltaic systems from rural areas and thus to guarantee security of supply.

Data power supply network Stadtwerke Fröndenberg GmbH:

was standing 2018
Power output 74 million kWh
Installed meters 13,586 pieces


It was not until 1980 that Stadtwerke Fröndenberg GmbH got into gas supply by purchasing the gas network from VEW in Fröndenberg. Due to the sprawled structure of Fröndenberg, the entire urban area cannot be supplied with natural gas across the board. 180 to 220 million kWh of natural gas are transported to customers per year via two network areas in the west of the city and in the center with a length of around 130 kilometers. Since the beginning of 2005, the municipal utilities have been cooperating with the Wickede (Ruhr) municipal utilities in the management of the gas network in Wickede, Echthausen and Wimbern. The municipal utilities purchased these networks from RWE on January 1, 2005 and leased them to Stadtwerke Fröndenberg GmbH.

Data gas supply network Stadtwerke Fröndenberg GmbH:

was standing 2018
Gas delivery 154.1 million kWh
Installed meters 7,367 pieces


Stadtwerke Fröndenberg GmbH is directly involved in the following companies:

  • KommunalService Fröndenberg GmbH
  • Municipal Works Wickede / Ruhr GmbH
  • Trianel Gaskraftwerk Hamm GmbH & Co. KG
  • Trianel Windkraftwerk Borkum West GmbH & Co. KG
  • Waterworks Fröndenberg-Menden GmbH (WFM)
  • Trianel GmbH
  • Energiehandelsgesellschaft West mbH (ehw)
  • Stadtwerke Energie Verbund
  • NetzService Ruhr GmbH

Web links

Individual evidence

Coordinates: 51 ° 28 ′ 17.6 ″  N , 7 ° 46 ′ 37.6 ″  E