Star Wraith

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Star Wraith
developer StarWraith 3D Games LLC
First title Star Wraith (2000)
Last title Evochron Legacy (2016)
Platform (s) Windows
Genre (s) Space flight simulation

Star Wraith is a series of space flight simulations from Star Wraith 3D Games. Several parts have already been published. Although every new game in the Star Wraith series is always graphically up-to-date, the games can also be played well on hardware that is not up to date.

The Star Wraith Universe

While the first two parts and also Star Wraith III - Shadows of Orion are mainly about the conflict between the human alliance and the human federation, a new threat emerges in the course of the latter: The Vonari. Although Arvoch Conflict is the third game in which the Vonari play a role, not much is known about this breed. Their technology is superior to the Alliance's technology. The Vonari themselves are an intelligent, warlike race. They move on two legs and their appearance is reminiscent of a wolf.

The player takes on the role of a fighter pilot of the Alliance or - in the games of the Evochron series - an independent role in which he has to earn money himself as a mercenary or trader; With Star Wraith II you can choose between alliance and mercenary life. In contrast to Wing Commander , for example , the Star Wraith missions have to be flown until they are successfully completed. In the course of the game the player rises in rank.

The series is named after the "F-144 Star Wraith", the most powerful space fighter in the Alliance. Since the "F-228 Evoch" is being developed as the Alliance's new top fighter in the approximately 100 years between Reviction and Arvoch Conflict , Arvoch Conflict no longer runs under the title StarWraith .

The StarWraith series

Star Wraith III - Shadows of Orion (2003)

After the destruction of the "Richton", the flagship of the Federation, for which they blame the Alliance, civil war flares up again. When the Alliance carrier ship "ABC Becker" is also destroyed, the speed and precision of the Alliance's attack make it clear that the Federation has nothing to do with this incident: The Vonari, an aggressive hostile race, destroyed both ships and that is just the first step in a plan that will end in an attack on Earth that the Alliance can thwart.

Star Wraith IV - Reviction (2004)

The Vonari prepare the final attack on the Alliance. A huge Vonari fleet gathers in the Sol system. All ships in the fleet use an energy network to transfer their energy to the lead ship that carries the weapon in order to destroy the earth. The Alliance only has one chance: once the energy network is saturated, it will take some time before the weapon is ready to fire. If the lead ship is destroyed while the energy network is saturated, a feedback pulse will destroy all ships in the network. The plan succeeds and the Vonari withdraw.

Arvoch Conflict (2006)

As more and more Alliance forces deserted to the Federation, the Alliance High Command sends the carrier ship "ABC Phantom" into the Sapphire system to get to the bottom of the matter. In the course of the game it turns out that the Federation has allied itself with the Vonari, from whom no one has heard of 75 years, in order to destroy the Alliance. A Vonari weapon is found that is obviously powerful enough to destroy an entire planet. The Alliance decides to use the weapon against its designers and destroy the Vonari home planet.

More games in the Star Wraith universe

RiftSpace (2004)

An ancient artifact with a prophecy is found. This tells of a planet, RiftSpace, which would bring its discoverer to great prosperity. Many mercenaries begin the search for RiftSpace, but many more artifacts are needed to finally hold the key that opens the way to RiftSpace.

Evochron: Alliance (2005)

During the conflict with the Vonari, which is weakening the Alliance, the high command hires mercenaries to join the fight. A wormhole leading to the Vonari homeworld is discovered in the newly discovered EvoChron system from which the Vonari appear to have come. For the first time, the Alliance is able to attack the Vonari home system. A large number of Vonari space fighters and a space station can be destroyed, causing the Vonari to withdraw from Alliance space.

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