Stars and STRIPE

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Stars and STRIPE is the title of a comic series that the US publisher DC-Comics published from 1999 to 2000.

Stars and STRIPE, the first issue of which appeared in July 1999, was written by author Geoff Johns and illustrated by artists such as Lee Moder and Dan Davis. The series, which reached 14 issues plus a special issue # 0, is about the adventures of the teenager Courtney Whitmore ("Star Spangled Kid", later "Stargirl") and her stepfather Pat Dugan ("STRIPE") and is a mixture of science- Fiction and superhero comics. It also has elements of the traditional coming to age story.


The young Courtney Whitmore finds an artifact called Star-Belt in the attic in the house of her stepfather Pat Dugan - the aging former sidekick of the superhero Star-Spangled Kid (later Skyman). This belt, which he received from the superhero Starman, gave Skyman several of the "superpowers" required for "superheroes" (flying, increased speed, the ability to fire "cosmic rays" from the body). Courtney takes the Star Belt and begins - in order to have "kidnapped" the stepfather whom she resents, married her mother and the small family from the metropolis of Los Angeles to the sleepy little town of Blue Valley in Nebraska - as a young adventurer " Star Spangled Kid "wreak havoc. Dugan - a brilliant mechanic and engineer - finally - shaken up by the questionable hustle and bustle of the stepdaughter - makes a robotic combat suit ("STRIPE") to stand up to the "brat" who has become overpowering overnight and to force her to return the belt.

After all sorts of quarrels and arguments, they finally agree that Courtney may keep the Star Belt, provided that she places herself under the supervision of STRIPE and does not primarily use it for her personal gain and pleasure, but to do something good .