Statistical Office of the United Economic Area

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The Statistical Office of the United Economic Area was the forerunner of the Federal Statistical Office .

After the end of the Second World War , the statistical service was initially set up with considerable time-related difficulties within the individual zones and countries. Through the amalgamation of the American and British zones , which were given joint organs for the now centrally controlled economic, social and financial policy in the Economic Council and the State Council as well as in the bizonal administrations, a corresponding body was also created in the area of ​​official statistics.

With the law on the establishment of a statistical office of the United Economic Area of ​​January 21, 1948, the Economic Council regulated the formal constitution of a central statistical office and the powers of this office as well as the bizonal administrations and the countries in the statistical field.

After the Statistical Office of the United Economic Area was subordinate to the Federal Ministry of the Interior and was commissioned to keep statistics for federal purposes in 1949, it was named "Federal Statistical Office" on August 29, 1950 (ordinance on the dissolution or transfer of administrative facilities of the United Economic Area of ​​September 8, 1950, Federal Law Gazette p. 678).

See also

Individual evidence

  1. [1] (last accessed on March 16, 2011)