Steep forward

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Example of a steep forward in football

A through ball is in football , a forward pass (synonym) - who is played so toward or near the opponent's goal that it can use directly to a goal-scoring or passing a teammate possible.

The teammate can move the ball played in the free space in front of him (“steeply”) in a fast run directly and with little or no change of direction or start shooting at goal. With such a pass ("into the interface") several opposing defenders can often be overcome ("taken out of the game", see also packing (football) ), whereby the own team can start dangerous actions, especially shots on goal.

The expression Steilvorlage (in short, also template ) has established itself linguistically as a “ winged word ” and thus as a rhetorical stylistic device that is used particularly often in political journalism in the sense of “giving someone with opposing interests an advantage”. The trigger for this is usually an action (by a "template provider") that a person / group other than the one representing can use to their advantage.

Linguistic stylistic device

Offering someone a head start” therefore means: “Granting someone an advantage; to give someone an opportunity to do something that is desired from their point of view; to make something easy for someone ”.

For example, the CDU state chairman, Eberhard Diepgen, described the result of the Hesse election in 1999 as a “great step forward” for the Berlin election campaign. A critical inquiry from the FDP in 2002 gave the ruling party and its chancellor the opportunity to present their work positively.

Anyone who gives a shuffle offers - often unintentionally - an unexpected and welcome opportunity to say or do something that suits them, but which (in contrast to a football game) is often not in the interests of the “shove” at all corresponds.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Word meaning. Info [1] Keyword Steilvorlage
  2. ^ A steep draft for the CDU - warning shot for the SPD and the Greens , Tagesspiegel of February 8, 1999
  3. Usage example daily mirror