Tax refund entitlement

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The tax reimbursement claim is a claim from the tax obligation ( § 37 Abs. 1 AO ), which can be had by those who have borne a tax economically but not as a tax debtor .

The regulations applicable to tax assessment are to be applied mutatis mutandis to the assessment of a tax allowance ( Section 155 (5) AO).

The tax laws determine who is liable to pay the tax or who is the creditor of a tax refund ( Section 43 sentence 1 AO). One example is the reimbursement of input tax amounts to foreign-based entrepreneurs in accordance with § 18 Abs. 9 UStG .

It is to be distinguished from the tax refund claim , which is aimed at the repayment of a tax paid without legal basis.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Michael Bartsch: Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon tax reimbursement claim, accessed on August 26, 2019